The goal of the Elementary team at Corning Christian Academy is to provide a strong academic education in a nurturing Christian environment. We have a faculty and staff of dedicated Christian educators to help us accomplish that goal.
These early years are an important time of growth and development in the life of a young person. We are pleased that on top of our academics, we offer a well-rounded education with classes in physical education, music, art, technology, and library each week. Our program is designed around the desire to help each student grow just as "Jesus grew in wisdom and stature,and in favor with God and man.” (Luke 2:52 NIV)
School Family
Science Experiment with Dr. Ed Rhyne
One of our favorite aspects at our school is that our students, faculty, and staff feel like family. Our older students interact with and help our younger students. Our secondary teachers visit elementary classrooms and provide exciting educational experiences for them.
It is a place where we are reminded that there are others around us, supporting and encouraging us in our learning and in our walk with God.
Chapel is held weekly for preschool, elementary, and secondary
Each week, each of our school divisions attend their own chapel, allowing for a time of corporate worship and Biblical instruction. Our Little Lamb students join the elementary for singing and worship before going to their own Bible story. Elementary chapels are planned and led by Mrs. Ryall, our fifth-grade teacher. Secondary chapels (6-12th grades) are planned by Mrs. Thomas. Oftentimes they will have a guest speaker from one of our local churches or ministries.
Educational Support
Corning Christian Academy is fortunate that we are able to offer some support to students with academic needs. Because our resources are limited, each prospective student is evaluated to ensure that we are able to meet their needs before registering in our school. Services for students with IEP's are offered through the Corning-Painted Post School District. CCA also accepts students with 504 plans, provided we have determined we are able to meet their needs.